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Seminarium "Cross-border Enforcement of Civil Law Claims: Simplified European Procedures", Bruksela, 9-10.12.2021

Miejsce szkolenia:


Grupa docelowa:

asystent prokuratora, asystent sędziego, referendarz sądowy, urzędnik prokuratury, urzędnik sądowy

Termin zgłoszeń:


Język roboczy:


Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej KSSiP ma przyjemność przekazać przesłane przez Akademię Prawa Europejskiego zaproszenie do udziału w seminarium pt. "Cross-border Enforcement of Civil Law Claims: Simplified European Procedures", które odbędzie się w dniach 9-10.12.2021 roku w Brukseli i będzie prowadzone w języku angielskim.

Seminarium jest organizowane w ramach wspólnego projektu  „Lepsze stosowanie europejskich procedur transgranicznych: szkolenia prawne i językowe dla pracowników sądów w całej Europie” finansowanego ze środków Komisji Europejskiej jest adresowany do urzędników sądowych z państw UE.


Poniżej zamieszczamy krótki opis wydarzenia oraz warunki finansowe:


The objective of this seminar is to offer training on the applicability of the EU legislative instruments in civil cases. The different Regulations simplifying the cross-border enforcement of civil claims will be presented and dealt with in a practice-oriented way at an introductory level, which makes it suitable for participants who have no prior or little experience in this field.

Key topics

  • Brussels I Regulation (recast)
  • European Enforcement Order
  • European Payment Order
  • European Small Claims Procedure


This training event is conceived as a workshop based on solving coherent case studies, thus ensuring the active involvement of participants and a continuous exchange of knowledge and best practice. The training materials have been developed by renowned EU experts and aim to aid court staff in actively applying the EU acquis in the area of Civil Justice.

Conditions of participation

Thenumber of places available is limited.

Language: Participants should have a working knowledge of English. 

Costs: Participation is free of charge. Participants will receive a seminar documentation. Coffee breaks and one lunch are included & ERA will invite all participants for one joint dinner.

Accommodation: Accommodation for 2 nights will be booked and paid by ERA.

Travel: Selected court staff will receive a significant contribution to their travel costs upon receipt of the original invoices, tickets and receipts. Participants are asked to arrange their own travel.

Please note that the number of places available is limited. Interested participants may apply directly using the online application form on ERA’s website.

Application deadline is 25 October. Applicants will receive a reply shortly after the expiration of the deadline.

Who should attend?

Court staff from all EU Member States who need to apply EU law procedures to fulfil judicial or procedural functions.

The following functional definition applies: “personnel of a court – regardless of their formal title or education – who have certain judicial or procedural functions and need to apply EU law procedures to fulfil those functions”.

If you register for the face-to-face event and due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are obliged to hold the event online-only, you will have the option either to switch to the online-only event or to cancel your participation at no cost.



KSSiP nie pośredniczy w procesie rekrutacji.

Wszystkie informacje dotyczące programu wydarzenia, procedury rejestracyjnej oraz warunków uczestnictwa znajdują się w poniższym linku:




Data publikacji: 
2021-10-11 14:11
Data wytworzenia: 
2021-10-01 13:34
Autor treści: 
Ostatnia zmiana: 
2021-10-11 14:11
Autor zmiany: 