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Zaproszenie na webinaria Francuskiej Szkoły Sądownictwa, kwiecień - maj 2021

Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej KSSiP zaprasza na cykl otwartych webinariów  międzynarodowych organizowanych przez Francuską Szkołę Sądownictwa w ramach szkoleń otwartych dla państw członkowskich Europejskiej Sieci Szkolenia Kadr Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości (EJTN). Szkolenia online organizowane są w języku angielskim i francuskim w kwietniu i maju 2021 roku. Programy szkoleń widoczne poniżej.

Webinarium nr 1:

Domestic violenceCM/2021/137

Termin webinarium:  

26-28 kwietnia 2021,

Język roboczy:

język angielski, język francuski

Termin zgłoszeń

na e-kssip:

19 kwietnia 2021, godz. 14.30 syg. M8/B17/21
pod adresem https://ekssip.kssip.gov.pl/course/view.php?id=7387

Link do szkolenia:




Koordynator szkolenia w EJTN:

Georgios Klis [email protected]

Pod patronatem: Françoise GUYOT, Honorary magistrate specialised in domestic violence

Opis szkolenia:

Domestic violence exists in all societies. It is an issue that necessarily comes up in legal systems which often have to deal with this type of violence in a variety of disputes, both civil and criminal.

Faced with this large-scale phenomenon, judges and prosecutors need a common core of knowledge in order to understand the mechanisms behind this violence and the systemic responses that can be implemented.

Cele szkolenia:

The aim of this training is to offer a broad view of violence committed against women, in particular the ones committed by their partner.

French legislation on protection against domestic violence will be presented, and in particular the most recent initiatives. The course will also address the psychological and/or sociological mechanisms involved in such violence, the institutional framework and partnerships for taking care of the women who are victims of it, as well as the criminal and jurisdictional policies that can be considered. The handling of the offenders and the place of children in such proceedings will also be studied.



Webinarium nr 2:

“Ethics and the rule of law” CM/2021/138

Termin webinarium:  

17-21 maja 2021,

Język roboczy:

język angielski, język francuski

Termin zgłoszeń:

19 kwietnia 2021 godz.14.30 syg. M8/B18/21

pod adresem


Link do szkolenia:




Koordynator szkolenia w EJTN:

Georgios Klis [email protected]

Pod patronatem: Chantal BUSSIERE, Honorary First President, former member of the Conseil supérieur de la magistrature – The High Council for the Judiciary, and Jean-Marie HUET, Honorary General Prosecutor, former member of the Conseil supérieur de la magistrature – The High Council for the Judiciary.

Opis szkolenia:

This session will examine the principles of independence and impartiality that should govern the action of judges in a democratic system, enabling them to respond to the trust that the public places in them. While the system must guarantee judges the means to perform their duties in accordance with these principles, they must also be accountable. In addition to sanctions, judicial ethics must also be approached through the prism of positive ethics, i.e. the dissemination of rules and values to guide judges in their actions.

Cele szkolenia:

The session will be built around the following activities: presentations of the main actors in this field and networks working on these issues at international level; theoretical and comparative law perspective; workshops on practical cases.



Webinarium nr 3:

“Cybercrime” CM/2021/139

Termin webinarium:  

25-28 maja 2021,

Język roboczy:

język angielski, język francuski

Termin zgłoszeń:

27 kwietnia 2021 , syg. M8/B19/21

pod adresem


Link do szkolenia:




Koordynator szkolenia w EJTN:

Georgios Klis [email protected]

Pod patronatem: Johanna Brousse, Public Prosecutor, Head of the Cybercrime Section of the Paris Public Prosecutor's Office & Nicolas Guidoux, Divisional commisser of police, Deputy Director of the fight against cybercrime.

Opis szkolenia:

Awareness of the challenges of cybercrime and its international dimension, recent legislative developments, digital investigations and the judicial treatment of this crime. Cyber threats are nowadays aimed at companies, including the banking sector, as well as individuals and States. Cybercrime is a pervasive crime today. 

Cele szkolenia:

This session will focus on helping those involved in the fight against cybercrime to make progress in the processing of their procedures, with an emphasis on concrete approaches to the various stages (locating and identifying offenders, accessing data, measures to prevent the disappearance of digital evidence, etc.)



Data publikacji: 
2021-04-19 08:55
Data wytworzenia: 
2021-04-16 17:03
Autor treści: 
Ostatnia zmiana: 
2021-04-19 08:55
Autor zmiany: 