Zaproszenie do udziału w międzynarodowych webinariach otwartych z cyklu "EJTN 1 hour webinar", kwiecień, maj, czerwiec 2021r.
Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej KSSiP zaprasza na cykl otwartych webinariów międzynarodowych organizowanych przez Europejską Sieć Szkolenia Kadr Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości (EJTN) we współpracy z instytucjami członkowskimi w ramach projektu krótkich szkoleń on-line pt. „1 hour webinar”. Nabór na szkolenia jest otwarty. W najbliższym czasie zapraszamy do udziału w następujących szkoleniach organizowanych w okresie wiosennym 2021 roku:
Webinarium nr 1: Digitalization in the field of judicial cooperation in civil matters, 8 kwietnia 2021r.
Webinarium nr 2: The Use of Restorative Justice in the Criminal Justice System, 22 kwietnia 2021r.
Webinarium nr 3: Fundamental rights and the environmental crisis, 6 maja 2021r.
Webinarium nr 4: Personal Elevator Pitch, 20 maja 2021r.
Webinarium nr 5: Understanding and Improving Communication, 3 czerwca 2021r.
Webinarium nr 6: Covid-19 and its impact on Privacy Rights, 24 czerwca 2021r.
Szczegóły i adresy do rejestracji widoczne poniżej.
Zakres tematyczny: |
prawo cywilne |
Webinarium nr 1: |
‘Digitalization in the field of judicial cooperation in civil matters’ |
Termin webinarium: |
8 kwietnia 2021, godzina: 13.00 – 14.00 |
Link do szkolenia: |
MS Teams link: Click here to join the meeting
Koordynator szkolenia : |
Daniel Graur [email protected] |
Panelista: Apostolos Anthimos, Attorney at law, Thessaloniki Bar
Opis szkolenia: The webinar will touch upon the recent initiatives of the European Commission in the field of digitalization, focusing on the expected repercussions in the field of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters. Special attention will be given to the Communication 2020 (710): Digitalisation of justice in the European Union A toolbox of opportunities. Target group: Judges, Prosecutors and other members of the EU judiciary
Cele szkolenia: Upon the successful completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:
Zakres tematyczny: |
prawo karne |
Webinarium nr 2: |
‘The Use of Restorative Justice in the Criminal Justice System’ |
Termin webinarium: |
22 kwietnia 2021, godzina: 13.00 – 14.00 |
Link do szkolenia: |
MS Teams link : Click here to join the meeting |
Koordynator szkolenia : |
Monica Marti-Garcia [email protected] |
Panelista: Patricia McNamara, Judge at Tallaght District Court,Dublin Prowadzący: Elsa García-Maltrás, Public Prosecutor Spain, Convener of EJTN’s Criminal Justice Sub working group |
Opis szkolenia: The practical application of the Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec (2018) concerning Restorative Justice in criminal matters - from a Judge's perspective. Target group : Criminal Judges and Prosecutors
Cele szkolenia: Upon the successful completion of this webinar, participants will get acquainted with the benefits of using Restorative Justice in Criminal matters for victims, communities and offenders ; aiming to achieve satisfaction within the justice process for all stakeholders.
Zakres tematyczny: |
Prawa człowieka i podstawowych wolności |
Webinarium nr 3 |
‘Fundamental rights and the environmental crisis’ |
Termin webinarium: |
6 maja 2021, godzina: 13.00 – 14.00 |
Link do szkolenia: |
MS Teams link : Click here to join the meeting |
Koordynator szkolenia : |
Arno Vinkovic [email protected] |
Panelista: Heloísa Oliveira, PhD, University of Lisbon, School of Law ; Researcher at the Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law Prowadzący: Fernando Duarte, Judge at the Administrative Court of Appeal of Lisbon |
Zakres tematyczny szkolenia:
Target group: Judges and Prosecutors acting in the European judiciary system
Cele szkolenia: Upon the successful completion of this webinar, participants will be able have an overview of the legal crossroads between fundamental rights and environmental protection. Judges will receive adequate tools for reasoning in highly complex environmental cases on the grounds of fundamental rights’ violation.
Zakres tematyczny: |
Szkolenie językowe |
Webinarium nr 4 |
‘Personal Elevator Pitch’ |
Termin webinarium: |
20 maja 2021, godzina: 13.00 – 14.00 |
Link do szkolenia: |
MS Teams link : Click here to join the meeting |
Koordynatorzy szkolenia : |
Emilie Baur [email protected] Ondrej Strnad [email protected]
Panelista: Denisa Petriláková, Linguist and methodology consultant with Judicial Academy of the Slovak Republic; legal English lecturer at Czech Constitutional Court Prowadzący: Nella Popović, Head of International Cooperation and Projects Department, Judicial Academy of Croatia |
Zakres tematyczny szkolenia: Elevator pitch or quick tips and practice on how to talk about your backgrounds, education, memorable cases and joys and pitfalls of your profession. Target group: Judges and Prosecutors
Cele szkolenia: Upon the successful completion of this webinar , participants will be able to learn and practice how to deliver a brief, and a clear message that explains their professional background and experience (it’s called an elevator speech because it should be short enough to be delivered during an elevator ride.) Participants will explore relevant vocabulary as well as practice some short and easy pitch presentation techniques - this is to help them build their professional network, connect with colleagues or counterparts from other member states as well as showcase their abilities and express their personal mission statement when it comes to their career in the judiciary and even beyond.
Zakres tematyczny: |
Kształcenie kompetencji miękkich |
Webinarium nr 5 |
‘Understanding and Improving Communication’ |
Termin webinarium: |
3 czerwca 2021, godzina: 13.00 – 14.00 |
Link do szkolenia: |
MS Teams link : Click here to join the meeting |
Koordynator szolenia : |
Monika Ramos [email protected] |
Panelista: Leslie Cuthbert, Legal Specialist Generalist, Tribunal Judge at Firt Tier Tribunal Social Entitlement Chamber in London Prowadzący: Phil Rostant, Employment Judge, Dean of Faculty, Director of Training (Tribunals) Judicial College of England and Wales |
Zakres tematyczny szkolenia: Explanation of the communication cycle, how communication breaks down or miscommunication occurs and types of appropriate versus inappropriate questions. Target group: Everyone, since everyone communicates every day
Cele szkolenia: Upon the successful completion of this webinar , participants will be able to understand how we communicate, how communication can go wrong and how to ask appropriate as opposed to inappropriate questions to obtain the best evidence.
Zakres tematyczny: |
Prawo administracyjne |
Webinarium nr 6 |
‘Covid-19 and its impact on Privacy Rights’ |
Termin webinarium: |
24 czerwca 2021, godzina: 13.00 – 14.00 |
Link do szkolenia: |
MS Teams link : Click here to join the meeting |
Koordynator szolenia : |
Emilie Baur [email protected] |
Panelista: Marko Jurić, Professor at Zagreb University Prowadzący: Senka Orlić-Zaninović, Judge at the High Administrative Court of Croatia |
Zakres tematyczny szkolenia: Pandemic of COVID-19 is impacting the way in which personal data are being collected and processed. Due to the unpredictable development of the disease and the need to react to it very quickly, many data processing operations are conducted without paying too much attention to ensuring compliance with legal requirements. The purpose of this webinar is to analyse the scope of personal data protection laws in Europe and their possible restrictions and derogations, all in the context of evaluating compliance of national and international processing operations with human rights conditions and safeguards. Target group: Administrative Judges, but not exclusively
Cele szkolenia: Upon the successful completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: