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Otwarte webinarium EJTN nt."The need of National Special Public Procurement Rules in Times of Pandemic and the European Union Law" 5 listopada 2020r.

Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej KSSiP zaprasza na kolejne z serii webinariów organizowanych przez Europejską Sieć Szkolenia Kadr Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości (EJTN).


Termin: 05.11.2020r., godz. 13-14 (CET), via MS TEAMS

The webinar will be composed of  a short introduction  and a 30 minutes presentation , followed by a  Q/A session.

Temat: The need of National Special Public Procurement Rules in Times of Pandemic and the European Union Law’

Wykładowca: Lawyer Mr Pedro Santos Azevedo, Guest Lecturer in Coimbra's Law Faculty Postgraduate degree on Public Procurement and PhD Candidate (Public Procurement Law) in Lisbon's Law School

Język: angielski

Nabór: Brak, wstęp wolny

Link do szkolenia:   CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO JOIN THE WEBINAR via MS Teams

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Kontekst szkolenia:

There is an urgent need to analyse not only what public procurement can do to fight the unfortunate Covid-19 pandemic, but also what the pandemic moment can do for public procurement. The Speaker, Mr Pedro Santos Azevedo, will provide a lecture-based upon this assumption and will start from that exact point. The fact that its entire legal arsenal was summoned to face this pandemic most immediate challenges gives us the opportunity to, if we wish, rethink public procurement, so that, as the enormous pandemic pressure is relieved, it becomes what it should be. Current problems need to be addressed with one eye on the present and another on the future: that is what is asked to all the intervenors, that is what magistrates will face.


Data publikacji: 
2020-10-30 12:14
Data wytworzenia: 
2020-10-28 14:23
Autor treści: 
Ostatnia zmiana: 
2020-10-30 12:14
Autor zmiany: 