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Webinarium CEPOL pt. "'Financial Investigations in Environmental crime", 7 maja 2019r., godzina 14.00

Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej KSSiP zaprasza do udziału w webinarium  udostępnionym przez Europejską Sieć Szkolenia Kadr Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości (EJTN) nt.: "'Financial Investigations in Environmental crime" , które odbędzie się w dniu 7 maja 2019 r. od godziny 14.00 .

Kurs będzie prowadzony w języku angielskim i będzie trwał od 1,5 do 2 godzin. 


Rejestracja poprzez link: 




The overall objective of this online training event is to enhance knowledge on the application of financial investigative techniques in environmental crime cases.


In the first part of the webinar a Dutch investigator will demonstrate financial oriented investigative logic through concrete examples of recent environmental crime cases underlining why this approach is essential for the build-up of successful investigative strategies.  During this lecture the special characteristics of environmental crime will be discoursed with view on the opportunities of gathering financial intelligence and the conduct of the operative steps of investigation. At the same time cross-border cooperation aspects and collaboration with environmental inspectorates will receive due attention given the international and multi-dimensional nature of this criminal threat.


In the second session of the webinar Europol officers from the dedicated units on environmental crime (Analysis Project EnviCrime) and money laundering (Analysis Project Sustrans) will describe how Europol can support cross-border cases of environmental crime in general and in particular the financial intelligence, analysis and investigative steps. Cross matching in Europol datasets, analysis of suspicious transactions, organisation of cross-border operations, utilisation of innovative technological solutions like Universal Forensic Extraction Device and Europol Mobile Office will be discussed in this presentation offering a close insight into the daily realities of the agency responsible to support EU law enforcement cooperation.



Law enforcement officers detecting and investigating environmental crimes such as illicit waste management and disposal, wildlife trafficking, pollution, illegal logging & timber trade, unauthorised fishing etc.

Police, customs judiciary officers and environmental inspectors are all welcome.



1. Welcome and Housekeeping rules by CEPOL 2. Integration of financial investigations in environmental crime cases - Gerben Wijnja, Dutch Police 3.

Europol support  to environmental crime investigations - Cyrille Guillo , AP Environmental Crime and presenter t.b.c. from AP Sustrans, Europol 4.

Questions & Answers 5. Closure & Evaluation


Approximate duration: 90 -120 minutes

Moderator: Gabor Bota/Francesco la Forgia, CEPOL

*Do you experience problems in connecting through the link provided after the registration? Please, scroll down the email received from GoToWebinar system and follow the instructions for the Instant Join link.


Data publikacji: 
2019-05-07 11:10
Data wytworzenia: 
2019-05-07 08:29
Autor treści: 
Ostatnia zmiana: 
2019-05-07 11:10
Autor zmiany: 