Seminarium "EU Disability Law and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities", 24-10-2016 - 26-10-2016, Trewir
Data szkolenia: | 24-10-2016 - 26-10-2016 | |||||||||
Miejsce szkolenia: | Trewir | |||||||||
Grupa docelowa: | sędziowie, prokuratorzy | |||||||||
Forma zajęć: | seminarium | |||||||||
Termin zgłoszeń: | 03.07.2016 | |||||||||
Sygnatura: | M8/X/16 | |||||||||
Języki robocze: | angielski, francuski | |||||||||
The aim of this seminar is to provide participants with the necessary knowledge and legal tools to use the UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) combined with relevant EU law in their daily practice.
• The UNCRPD: purpose, general principles (e.g.: non-discrimination, reasonable accommodation, accessibility) and rights, formal and substantial relationship with EU law • Monitoring role of the UN Committee on Rights of Persons with Disabilities, complaints mechanism enshrined in the Optional Protocol • Practical in-depth study of key disability rights in their international, European and national context legal capacity, access to justice, reasonable accommodation • Implementation of the UNCRPD in specific cases: Detention of persons with disabilities, Disability in Employment
Judges, prosecutors and other members of the judiciary from an EU Member State, candidate countries and EEA/EFTA countries participating in the Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme.
No seminar fee. Participation on selection. Selected participants will receive a significant contribution to their travel and accommodation costs.
Participation is only open to judges and prosecutors from EU Member States, candidate countries and EEA/EFTA countries participating in the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme. There is a limited number of places available for this event (max. 35 participants), so participation will be subject to a formal selection procedure. There are no national quotas; however, a certain geographical balance will have to be found.
Travel expenses will be reimbursed up to a maximum of 360 euros, subject to the submission of the originals of travel receipts. Participants are informed about the obligation to use the most cost-efficient mode of transport available. With regard to accommodation, maximum 2 nights’ hotel will be booked and covered directly by ERA. Two lunches, beverages consumed during the event and the workshop documents are offered by ERA. Two dinners, a wine tasting and a vineyard tour are included. For further details, you can follow our project website:
Le but de ce séminaire est d’apporter aux participants les connaissances et les outils nécessaires à la mise en oeuvre de la Convention des Nations Unies relative aux droits des personnes handicapées (CDPH) et du droit de l’Union européenne pertinent.
• La CDPH : objet, principes et obligations générales, concepts clés, relation formelle et substantive avec le droit de l’Union européenne • Le droit UE des personnes handicapées : jurisprudence de la CJUE • Droits clés pour les personnes handicapées dans un contexte international, européen et national: capacité juridique, accès à la justice, aménagement raisonnable • Application de la Convention dans des domaines spécifiques: emploi et détention
Juges, procureurs et autres membres de juridictions provenant des Etats membres de l’UE ou des Etats candidats ou Etats membres de l’EEE ou de l’AELE ayant décidé de participer au programme Droits, Egalité et Citoyenneté. Sans frais d'inscription. La participation fera l’objet d’une procédure de sélection. Les participants recevront une indemnité importante pour leurs frais de voyage et d’hébergement.
Organizator (Akademia Prawa Europejskiego) rezerwuje i pokrywa koszt dwóch noclegów, zapewnia wyżywienie oraz zwraca koszty podróży do kwoty 360 euro. Więcej informacji na stronie ERA:
Formularz aplikacyjny KSSiP do pobrania tutaj:
Zgłoszenia należy kierować wyłącznie drogą mailową na adres: [email protected] , w temacie wpisując sygnaturę M8/X/16 do dnia 3 lipca 2016 r.
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