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Zaproszenie na cykl letnich i jesiennych międzynarodowych webinariów otwartych w ramach projektu EJTN „1 hour webinar”

Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej KSSiP zaprasza na cykl otwartych webinariów  międzynarodowych organizowanych przez Europejską Sieć Szkolenia Kadr Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości (EJTN) we współpracy z instytucjami członkowskimi w ramach projektu krótkich szkoleń on-line pt. „1 hour webinar”.  Nabór na szkolenia jest otwarty. W najbliższym czasie zapraszamy do udziału w następujących szkoleniach organizowanych w okresie letnio-jesiennym 2021 roku:

Webinarium nr 1:     Telework in the EU during and beyond the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Webinarium nr 2:     The impact of Covid-19 on international cooperation in criminal matters

Webinarium nr 3:     Social Media for Judges

Webinarium nr 4:     Metaphorical expressions in the language of judicial cooperation

Webinarium nr 5:     Dealing with conflicts

Webinarium nr 6:     An overview of the Foreign Direct Investment mechanisms across the EU


Szczegóły i adresy do rejestracji widoczne poniżej.

Webinarium nr 1:

Telework in the EU during and beyond the Covid-19 Pandemic

Termin webinarium:  

8 lipca 2021, godz.13.00-14.00

Język roboczy:

język angielski

Link do szkolenia:


Platforma: MS Teams Click here to join the meeting


Wykładowca:  Cristina Cruz , Labour Judge, Trainer of Labour Law in the Judicial School in Lisbon, Portugal,

Prowadzący: Patricia Costa

Opis szkolenia:

Telework concept : Overview on European policies and main International and EU Instruments / Main aspects to consider while instituting a telework regime/ Teleworking post Covid-19.

Target group: Judges and Prosecutors

Cele szkolenia:

Upon the successful completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

Achieve an overall picture of the importance of telework and its EU legal framework, not only in the case of an unforeseen event, such as Covid-19 pandemic, but as a future prominent form of working and the key issues to consider in the institution of a telework regime to highlight the level of protection of teleworkers (such as: privacy, work organisation, information, equal treatment, fair working conditions).

Koordynator szkolenia z EJTN: Daniel Graur [email protected]



Webinarium nr 2:

The impact of Covid-19 on international cooperation in criminal matters

Termin webinarium:  

22 lipca 2021, godz.13.00 – 14.00

Język roboczy:

język angielski

Link do szkolenia:


Platforma: MS Teams Click here to join the meeting


Wykładowca: Judge Marieta Nedelcheva, seconded at Specialized Court of Appeal Sofia, Bulgarian Contact Point at European Genocide Network, Contact Point at European Judicial Network and National  Contact Person of the National Network for International Cooperation in Criminal Matters.

Prowadzący: Angelina Lazarova

Opis szkolenia:

Overview of the impact of the pandemic on international cooperation in criminal matters, adaption to digitalisation, challenges, and opportunities as well as lessons learned.

Target group : Judges and Prosecutors

Cele szkolenia:

Upon the successful completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the challenges imposed by the pandemic in ensuring cross-border cooperation and exchange of evidence;
  • cross-border investigation in a digital world;
  • how to ensure smooth cooperation in the light of travel restrictions and online world.

Koordynator szkolenia z EJTN: Alina Secrieru [email protected]



Webinarium nr 3:

Social Media for Judges

Termin webinarium:  

9 września 2021, godz.13.00-14.00

Język roboczy:

język angielski

Link do szkolenia:

Platforma: MS Teams Click here to join the meeting

Wykładowca: Marin Mrčela, Vice President of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia.

Prowadzący: Morana Briski (HR)

Opis szkolenia: This webinar will focus on various implications of use of social media by judges from ethical and practical perspective.

Target group : Judges

Cele szkolenia:

Upon the successful completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Perceive the impact of their activity on social media as judges
  • Identify risks of the use of social media to judge's appearance of impartiality
  • Understand the need to strike a balance between the judges’ freedom of opinion and expression on social media and the requirement of neutrality.

Koordynator szkolenia z EJTN: Arno Vinkovic [email protected]



Webinarium nr 4:

Metaphorical expressions in the language of judicial cooperation

Termin webinarium:  

23 września 2021, godz.13.00-14.00

Język roboczy:

język angielski

Link do szkolenia:

Platforma: MS Teams Click here to join the meeting

Wykładowca: Miguel Ángel Campos Pardillos, Lecturer in Legal English and Translation, Department of English, University of Alicante, Trainer in legal English for EJTN.

Prowadzący: Dariusz Szawurski-Radetz (PL)

Opis szkolenia: In the vocabulary of judicial cooperation, there are frequent metaphors that conceptualize abstract notions with desirable images based on living beings and on tangible objects (especially  instruments, buildings, areas and structures), or portraying cooperation as a journey where progress is either the only acceptable option or a weapon in a fight against cross- border crime.  Our presentation will offer an overview of these metaphors and the effects they produce among addressees, creating a favourable image of cooperation.

Target group: anyone interested in the topic.

Cele szkolenia:

Upon the successful completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • develop awareness of metaphorical expressions in judicial cooperation,
  • enhance proficiency in English for judicial cooperation,
  • increase ability for successful communication and persuasion in English as an international language

Koordynator szkolenia z EJTN: Ondrej Strnad [email protected]



Webinarium nr 5:

Dealing with conflicts

Termin webinarium:  

7 października 2021, godz.13.00-14.00

Język roboczy:

język angielski

Link do szkolenia:

Platforma: MS Teams Click here to join the meeting

Wykładowca: Radovan Dluhý-Smith, Lecturer at the Department of Development and Environmental Studies, Palacký University in the Czech Republic

Prowadzący: Eva Krejčová (CZ)

Opis szkolenia: Presentation (30-45min) covering Definition of Conflicts; Conflict Styles, the Non-violent Communication Model, followed by discussion

Target group: Presidents of Courts, Chief Prosecutors

Cele szkolenia:

Upon the successful completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Develop awareness about different ways of dealing with conflicts with reference to different types of personalities and how to handle conflict in a workplace

Koordynator szkolenia z EJTN: Sara SIPOS [email protected]



Webinarium nr 6:

An overview of the Foreign Direct Investment mechanisms across the EU

Termin webinarium:  

21 października 2021, godz.13.00-14.00

Język roboczy:

język angielski

Link do szkolenia:

Platforma: MS Teams

Click here to join the meeting

Wykładowca: Massimo Merola, Attorney at law at the Brussels and Rome Bar Associations, Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges and Conférencier at the University Paris II, Panthéon-Assas.

Prowadzący: Sara Lembo (IT)

Opis szkolenia: The webinar will touch upon the regulation of Foreign Direct Investment screening in the European Union: origin, objectives, common features of most national regimes, the European coordination mechanism, scope of judicial review.

Target group : Judges, prosecutors and other members of the EU judiciary

Cele szkolenia:

Upon the successful completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the essential elements of the FDI legal framework
  • Understand the sharing of competences between EU and national authorities and judges
  • Identify the main issues that can be of relevance for the judiciary
  • Anticipate possible developments in the field

Koordynator szkolenia z EJTN: Giulia Carpentieri [email protected]

Data publikacji: 
2021-06-16 13:35
Data wytworzenia: 
2021-06-16 12:55
Autor treści: 
Ostatnia zmiana: 
2021-06-16 13:35
Autor zmiany: 