Webinarium EJTN pt."Unaccompanied minors – new challenges for the civil courts - the civil law perspective in the Member States", 29 maja 2019r., godzina 10.00
Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej KSSiP zaprasza do udziału w webinarium udostępnionym przez Europejską Sieć Szkolenia Kadr Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości (EJTN) nt.: "Unaccompanied minors – new challenges for the civil courts - the civil law perspective in the Member States", które odbędzie się w dniu 29 maja 2019 r. od godziny 10.00 .
REGISTER FOR THE WEBINAR HERE: https://meet51996584.adobeconnect.com/mek/event/event_info.html
"Four years after the peak of new arriving migrants in Europe migrant children continue to arrive to Europe in a large number. In 2018, one forth of the new arriving migrants were children, in numbers 34,200. This includes a high number of the most vulnerable group of unaccompanied minors.
A comprehensive approach to the protection of the unaccompanied children in migration does not only concern the authorities dealing with migration law. It also causes high challenges for the civil courts in the Member States. The webinar will focus on this very important, but often neglected aspect.
Since the peak of new arriving unaccompanied minors in the EU in 2015 the civil courts in the Member States are dealing intensified with unaccompanied minors, especially with the appointment of a representative and subsequent topics. The cross-border dimension results in the application of European and international instruments. The strict observation of the rights of the child is crucial. European jurisprudence has to be taken into account. A tension between civil law and alien law should be avoided. In addition practical problems like the statement of the personal data have to be solved.
The webinar will offer solutions and will show that the principle of the best interest of the child has manifold influence on a bunch of questions.
The webinar will show in how far European and international instruments such as the Bruessels II bis Regulation, the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1996 Hague Convention of the Protection of Children offer solutions."
The webinar’s presenter will be Martina Erb-Klünemann, a German family court judge.
1. Welcome and Housekeeping rules by EJTN
2. Introduction by Sara Sipos, EJTN project manager,
3. Content. The variety of legal and practical challenges for the civil courts, such as:
• Questions concerning the migrants' personal status (age, custodial
situation, marital status, achievement of the legal age) and the
cross-border portability
• The appointment of a guardian
• The interaction with migration law and human rights law.
4. Questions & Answers
5. Closure & Evaluation
Judges, preferably those involved or to be involved in judicial cooperation in family law matters.
Approximate total duration: 90 minutes